---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: CHINESE STEAMED FISH Categories: Chinese, Seafood Yield: 4 servings 1 1/3 lb Rockfish fillets or other -thick firm flesh fish -Approximately 3/4 Inch thick 1 1/2 c Sliced mushrooms 4 Green onions, cut into 1 -inch lengths 1 1/2 c 1 inch pieces asparagus (or -green beans or snow peas) 1 1/2 c Sliced carrots Sauce: 2 tb Low-salt soy sauce 1 tb Oriental sesame oil 3/4 ts Grated fresh ginger 3 tb Unseasoned rice vinegar 6 tb Orange juice 3/4 ts Grated fresh orange rind Combine all sauce ingredients and let sit for 30 minutes to blend flavors. Rinse fish with cold water. Arrange on a vegetable steamer tray. Place tray over 1 1/2 inch boiling water; cover and steam for 1-2 minutes. Top with vegetables and steam additional 5 minutes, or until fish flakes easily and vegetables are crisp tender. Pour sauce over individual portions just before serving. NOTE: Cod, Sea Bass, Tilapia, or Bay Scallops may be substituted for Rockfish. Per serving: 266 Calories, 39 g Protein, 14 g Carbohydrates, 1 g Saturated Fat, 2 g Monounsaturated Fat, 2 g Polyunsaturated Fat, .9 g Omega-3 Fat, 63 mg Cholesterol, 315 mg Sodium. SOURCE: * Simply Seafood, Spring 1992 SHARED BY: Jim Bodle 4/92 -----