---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: PHILIPPINE LUMPIA Categories: Filipino, Chicken, Pork Yield: 12 servings 2 lb Chicken, cut in serving -pieces 1/2 lb Lean boneless pork butt, cut -in 2-3 pieces 1 Medium onion, peel, quarter 2 Celery tops 1 Medium bay leaf 2 ts Salt 2 c Water 1 Small green cabbage 1/4 lb Slab bacon, trimmed of rind -and cut in 1/4" dice 1 Small onion, peeled and cut -crosswise into paper thin -slices 2 ts Finely chopped garlic 1 1/2 lb Fresh green string beans, -trimmed and cut diagonally -into 1/4" lengths 1/4 lb Fresh bean sprouts, washed -and husks removed 1 c Finely diced celery 2 tb Soy sauce Oil for deep frying ----------------------LUMPIA WRAPPERS---------------------- 2 c All purpose flour 2 c Cold water Vegetable oil Combine the chicken, pork, quartered onion, celery tops, bay leaf and 1 teaspoon salt in a heavy 3-4 quart saucepan. Pour in the water and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low, cover tightly and simmer 20-30 minutes, or until chicken and pork are almost tender and show only slight resistance when pierced with the point of a small sharp knife. Remove chicken and pork, and when cool enough to handle, bone and skin the chicken and cut the meat and pork into 1/4" dice. Strain the broth and reserve it. Remove and discard the tough outer leaves of the cabbage, cut the cabbage into quarters. Cut out the cores and slice the quarters crosswise into 1/4" wide strips. In a heavy 12" skillet, cook the bacon over moderate heat, stirring frequently until it is crisp and has rendered all its fat. With a slotted spoon, transfer the bacon to paper towels to drain. Cook sliced onion and garlic in the bacon fat for about 5 minutes until the onion is soft and transparent but not brown. Add pork and chicken and stir 1-2 minutes, until the meat browns slightly. Add each vegetable in the following order: green beans, bean sprouts, celery and cabbage. Add the bacon bits, 1/2 the reserved broth, remaining salt and the soy sauce, turning constantly with a spoon, cook over medium heat 3 minutes longer. Transfer contents of the skillet to a colander and drain 10-15 minutes. Discard the liquid. (Filling will keep at room temp. 2-3 hours). Assembly: shape about 1/3 cup of filling into a cylinder about 5" long and 1" diameter, place in the center of a wrapper, leave about 1 1/2" of the wrapper exposed at each side. Roll the wraapper around the filling, tucking the ends inside as you roll. Heat oil in a deep fat fryer to about 375 deg F, and fry each lumpia about 2 minutes, or until they are golden brown and crisp. Drain on paper towels and serve immediately, or keep hot and serve. Wrappers: Combine flour and water and mix until it forms a smooth paste, the consistency of a heavy cream. Set a heavy 8" skillet over moderate heat for about 30 seconds. Dip a pastry brush in the oil and spread a light film over the bottom and sides of the skillet. Then immerse the tip of a 2" wide paintbrush into the batter, and with 5-6 overlapping strokes, cover the bottom of the skillet. Cook for a few seconds until it begins to curl away from the sides of the skillet. Lift the wrapper and transfer to a strip of lightly floured waxed paper. May be kept at room temp. no more that 2 hours. Source: Pacific and Southeast Asian Cooking -----