MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Beet And Carrot Dip Categories: Indian, Dairy, Vegetables, Dips Yield: 12 servings 1 Dark tender beetroot 1 Carrot 1 Onion 1 Sprig spring onion 400 g Curd (yogurt) 1 ts Tomato sauce 1/2 ts Chilli sauce 1 ts Sugar 1/4 ts Black salt Salt to taste Pepper to taste Pressure cook beetroot for 1 whistle. Peel carrot, onion, beetroot. Grate or chop very fine. Chop spring onion very fine. Beat curd till smooth. Add salts, sauces, sugar, pepper, mix well. Fold in grated, chopped vegetables, mix gently. Chill. Serve with vegetable fingers, or as blobs over slices of chilled vegetable. Variation: For a smooth dip, grind the carrot and beetroot to a paste. Grate onion fine. Omit spring onion. MMMMM