---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00 Title: Vegetables with Coconut Cream Categories: Main dish, Vegetables, Indian Yield: 4 servings 1 md Eggplant (Aubergine) 3 md Zucchini 1 Red capsicum 1 Green capsicum 3 md Carrots 250 g Green beans 300 g Pce of pumpkin 60 g Ghee 2 T Oil 2 Cloves garlic 1 sm Red chilli, finely chopped 2 ts Black mustard seeds 2 ts Yellow mustard seeds 2 ts Cummin seeds 1 c Canned coconut cream 1 c Plain yoghurt Cut all vegetables into thin 6cm strips. Heat ghee and oil in large pan, add garlic, chilli, mustard and cumin seeds, cook stirring 1 minute. Add vegetables, cook, stirring a few minutes or until vegetables are just tender; add coconut cream and yoghurt, stir until heated through. Compiled: Imran C. -----