---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: GOMA JOYU-AE (SOY & SESAME SEED DRESSING WITH Categories: Salads, Appetizers, Vegetables Yield: 6 servings 1 lb String beans Salt 1 c Niban dashi 1 tb Sugar Soy sauce 2 ts Sake 1/4 ts All purpose soy sauce -------------------------DRESSING------------------------- 1/2 c White sesame seeds, warmed -- & ground into a paste 3 tb Sake 2 ts Sugar 2 tb All purpose soy sauce Snip off & discard the ends of the green beans & cut them into 1/2" lengths. Drop the beans into 2 c of lightly salted boiling water, reduce the heat to moderate & cook briskly, uncovered, for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the beans are tender but still slightly resistant to the bite. Drain & run them under cold water. In the same pan, combine the dashi, sugar, 1/4 ts salt, a sprinkle of soy sauce, sake. Bring to a boil over moderate heat, add the string beans & return to the boil. Remove the pan from the heat & cool to room temperature. DRESSING: Over high heat, heat 3 tb sake to lukewarm. Removepan from heat & ignite the sake with a kitchen match, shaking the pan gently until the flame dies out. Pour the sake into a small bowl & cool to room temperature. Add the sake, 2 ts sugar and 2 tbs soy sauce to the previously prepared sesame paste & mix together thoroughly. Pour the sesame dressing into a large bowl, add the drained string beans & toss together until the vegetables are thoroughly coated. Taste for seasoning adding more salt if necessary. Serve at room temperature in small bowls, as a first course, salad or part of a Japanese meal. -----