MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Sweet and Sour Tofu Categories: Thai, Vegetarian, Ceideburg 2 Yield: 1 servings 375 Tofu, drained 1/4 c Oil 1 Clove garlic, sliced 200 Green beans, sliced 1 Onion, sliced 1 Carrot, sliced 200 Broccoli, chopped 1 Stick celery, sliced 2 Green shallots, chopped 1 tb Tamarind sauce 1 tb Fish sauce 2 tb Oyster sauce 1 tb Light soy sauce 1 tb Sweet chilli sauce 1 tb Tomato paste 2 tb Sugar 1 tb White vinegar 1/4 ts Ground star anise 1 ts Cornflour 1 c Water Been thinking about the problem getting the tofu to come out crispy. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the oil isn't hot enough. You are deepfrying the cubes, aren't you? Another trick you might try is to double fry them. Do 'em all once, let 'em cool a bit then refry them. Anyway++here's a couple of recipes for you to practice on. They're from the Ozzie cookbooks Mark brought over. BTW, "shallots" refers to scallions rather than what we call shallots. 1: Cut tofu into 1 1/2 cm cubes. 2: Heat oil in wok, add garlic, cook for 30 seconds, remove and discard garlic. Add tofu to wok in batches, stir-fry gently until lightly browned; remove from wok. 3: Add beans, onion and carrot, stir-fry until vegetables are almost tender. Add broccoli, celery and shallots, sauces, paste, sugar, vinegar and spice, stir-fry for 2 minutes. Stir in tofu with blended cornflour and water; stir-fry gently until sauce boils and thickens slightly. Makes 6 servings. Best made just before serving. Freeze: Not suitable. Microwave: Not suitable. From "Easy Thai-style Cookery", Edited by Maryanne Blacker, The Australian Women's Weekly Home Library, 1991. ISBN 0-94912833-3 Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; August 9 1993. MMMMM