MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Butter Sponge for French Pastry Categories: Cakes, 1941 Yield: 6 servings 1 Egg 3 Egg yolks 3 1/2 tb Melted butter 6 tb Flour 1 ts Grated lemon rind 2 1/4 tb Cornstarch 1 ts Baking powder 1/3 c Sugar 1 tb Lemon juice 1/8 ts Salt Combine eggs and sugar. Heat over hot water, beating constantly until warm (95 F). Remove from fire and beat until cool and stiff. Add flour which has been sifted, measured, and sifted with cornstarch, salt, and baking powder. Mix as lightly as possible. Add lemon juice and rind. Add butter slowly, stirring constantly. Pour into well-oiled pan. Bake in moderate oven (375 F) about 20 minutes. When cool cut into various shapes. Ice with different colored icing. Decorate with fancy designs of contrasting colors. The Household Searchlight MMMMM