---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: SPRING NICOISE SALAD Categories: Salads, French Yield: 4 servings 12 oz New red potatoes; quartered 2 c Green beans; trimmed 1/2 c Yogurt, plain 1/4 c Basil, fresh; chopped 4 lg Romaine lettuce leaves 1 sm Onion, red; thinly sliced 6 oz White tuna; drained 1 Egg; hard-cooked, sliced 4 Ripe olives Bring 1 quart water to boiling in a 10-inch skillet. Add the potatoes and cook, covered, for 8 minutes or until almost tender. Add green beans and cook an additional 5 minutes. Place yogurt and basil in bowl of blender and whirl for process for 30 seconds. Set aside. Line four plates with lettuce; top evenly with potatoes, green beans, onion slices, tuna, and egg slices. Garnish with olives. Drizzle each salad with 2 tablespoons yogurt dressing. Weight Watchers Magazine April 1989 p 24 -----