MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Aioli (Garlic-Mayonnaise Sauce) Categories: Sauces Yield: 3 Cups 1/2 c Lemon juice; fresh squeezed 1/2 ts Salt 1 ts Tamari 3 md Cloves garlic; crushed 2 Whole eggs 2 Egg yolks 2 1/2 c Olive oil Introduction: The traditional aioli supper consists of the central dish--garlic mayonnaise--and surrounding clusters of freshly-steamed vegetables to dip. Serve these on a bed of fresh spinach, accompanied by chunks of hard-cooked eggs, tomatoes, and good bread. The best vegetables to steam for aioli are green beans, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, and strips of carrot. Aioli is also delicious on freshly-baked fish. Bake the fish in just a little lemon juice, butter, salt, and pepper. Spread the room-temperature mayonnaise onto the hot fish. Sprinkle with mixed chives or scallions. This recipe makes enough for aioli supper for 4 people. It will amply cover four servings of fish, if that's what you're planning and there should be some extra for dipping potatoes or whatever you're serving with the fish. This only takes about 10 minutes to prepare. Instructions: After blending the first six ingredients thoroughly at high speed, turn the blender speed down to medium. Gradually drizzle in the oil. Don't just dump it in all at once. Keep the blender running at medium until all the oil is entered. This mixture should be thick. Once it's thick, turn the blender off. Mayonnaise has strange ways--if you beat it too long it will get thin again, which, of course, you don't want to happen. Recipe by Moosewood Cookbook MMMMM