MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: June Meyer's Authentic Csirkepaprikas * Categories: Poultry, Vegetables, Dairy, Breads Yield: 12 Servings 2 lg Onions; chopped 4 tb Shortening, corn oil or lard 3 tb Hungarian paprika 1/8 ts Black pepper -OR- 1/8 ts Whole pepper corns 2 ts Salt 5 lb Chicken; disjointed, use - legs, thighs, breast and - back for best flavour 1 1/2 c Water 1/2 pt Sour cream MMMMM------------------MODERN POTATO DUMPLINGS----------------------- 1 c Instant potato flakes 1 lg Egg 1 c Flour 1 c Water Yes, I know this is not traditional. But it is easy, fast and delicious. Mix in a small bowl. Drop by spoonfuls into salted boiling water. cook until dumplings look done when cut in half, 5 - 6 minutes. Drain and place into sour-cream gravy and serve. NOTE: If you do not like dumplings, you can serve this with some cooked wide egg noodles. TO MAKE THE PAPRIKAS: Brown onions in shortening. Add seasonings and chicken, brown 10 minutes. Add water, cover and let simmer slowly until it is tender. It will smell wonderful! Remove chicken, add sour cream to drippings in pan and mix well. To thicken gravy, mix into a paste 1 tb soft butter with 1 tb flour and stir into drippings. Add dumplings and arrange chicken on top. Heat through, but do not boil, and serve. * Hungarian Chicken Paprikas Serves 6 to 8. Every country household had a yard full of chickens. Chicken dishes that could be slow cooked on the stove for supper were plentiful and cheap to make. Paprikas was a weekly dish for supper. A pot of potato dumplings, and perhaps a platter of pickled Hungarian peppers and a loaf of crusty home baked bread was all that was need for ones well being. Every meal was eaten with gusto. Regards, June Meyer. From: Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM