MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.07 Title: Best Antipasto Categories: Pickles, Italian Servings: 1 2 lb Cucumbers or 2 24oz.dill pic 3 lb Cawliflower 2 lb Green beans or 4 15oz. tins 2 lb Red peppers 5 8oz. tins tuna fish 5 16oz. jars stuffed olives 3/4 c Olive oil 2 lb Pickling onions or 3 16oz. j 3 lb Mushrooms or 5 10oz.tins mus 2 lb Green peppers 5 16oz. tins ripe olives 5 11oz. bottles of ketchup 2 13oz. large tins anchovies 3/4 c Vinegar Boil cawliflower 3 minutes. Drain and set aside. Peel pickling onions, cut cucumbers in slices and boil green beans until tender. Set all these vegetables aside. In large canning kettle, fry sliced mushrooms in the oil, add ketchup, cut green beans and red peppers. Simmer 10-15 minutes. Add all the vegetables, olives and remaining ingredients (separate anchovies and break up tuna), simmer for another 12 minutes. MMMMM