MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Stuffed Eggplant Padovana Categories: Vegetables, Main dish Yield: 2 portions 1 md Eggplant 1 md Onion, minced 1 tb Parsley, minced 2 tb Celery, chopped 1 sm Green pepper, chopped 1 c Plum tomatoes 1 c Bread crumbs 1/4 c Parmesan Cheese, grated Salt and pepper, to taste 3 tb Olive Oil Clean eggplant; cut in half lengthwise. Scoop out pulp, leaving shell 1/2 inch thick. Cut pulp into small pieces. Combine onion, parsley, celery, green pepper, plum tomatoes, bread crumbs, cheese, salt and pepper with pulp. Fill eggplant halves with mixture. Place prepared eggplant in baking dish with olive oil. Bake at 350F. for 45 minutes. Lower heat if necessary to prevent browning. SOURCE: American Academy of Chefs--S. Sabatelle, Chef MMMMM