MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Don Barba's Zeppole Categories: Dessert, Italian Yield: 1 Batch 1 c Water 1/4 ts Salt 1 1/2 oz Brandy 1 c Flour 2 c Olive oil; +2 tb, divided 1/2 c Confectioners sugar Combine water, salt, and brandy and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, and add flour mix vigorously. Return to heat and continue mixing until mixture becomes dry and somewhat hard. Pour olive oil on a bread board and place dough on it and let cool. Roll the dough and fold over, and roll again. Repeat this about 7 times or until the dough has asorbed all the oil and has become elastic. Roll dough and shape into a long rope about the thickness of your finger. Cut the rope into 6" pieces and form each piece into a ring. Prick each ring with fork and fry in hot oil until golden and crisp. Note: Do not fry too many rings at once. Drain rings well and sprinkle generously with sugar. M's note. The zeppole I have had were made with a regular bread dough and cooked in a neutral-flavored oil. Recipe by Don Barba Posted by: John Cline, RIME planning administrator MMMMM