---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: KISZKA - POLISH KISKA Categories: Cyberealm, Ethnic, Side dishes Yield: 4 lbs kiska 3 lb Pork steak 2 lb Coarse buckwheat grits 1/2 ts Rubbed marjoram Salt and pepper Chop meat into coarse bits. Cover with water and boil until tender. Add salt, pepper and marjoram. Wash the buckwheat grits, cover with the liquid from the cooked meat, and steam in a double boiler for 1/2 hour. Combine the two mixtures. If you have sausage casings, stuff the mixture into the casings. It will keep very well in a mold in the refrigerator. Heat before serving. Source: Treasured Polish recipes for Americans Typed for you by Linda Fields, Cyberealm BBS and home of Kook-Net Watertown, NY 315-786-1120 -----