MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.02 Title: Machynka z Hrybiv (Mushroom Filling) Categories: Vegetables, Russian, Christmas Servings: 10 1/4 lb Dried Boletus Murshrooms:OR 1/4 lb Dried Italian Porcini -Mushrooms 2 lb Fresh Mushrooms; Mature If -Possible 4 md Onions 1 c Oil; OR 1/2 lb Butter 2 ts Black Pepper; Ground 3 ts Salt 1/2 c Dry Bread Crumbs Juice Of 1 Lemon In a saucepan with enough water to cover, bring the dried mushrooms to a boil and simmer until tender, about 1 1/2 hours. Do NOT allow to cook dry, add water as needed. Cool and set aside. Wipe the fresh mushroom with a damp towel and trim the stems then finely chop them, setting them aside when done. Chop th onions and cook in oil or butter in heavy skillet until wilted. Add the chopped fresh mushrooms and cook over medium heat, stirring. Removed the dried mushroom from their liquid, reserving the liquid, and finely chop them, mixiing them in the fresh ones as you finish each one. Cook until the mushroom ixture is dry, then season to taste. Add the lemon juice andbread crumbs. Stir and remove from the heat. Keep stirring while cooling to allow the steam to escape. Yield: 1 quart. Maybe used to flavor rice for cabbage rolls and to make gravy and soup. MMMMM