MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.02 Title: Mrybova Pidlyva (Mushroom Gravy) Categories: Sauces, Russian, Christmas Servings: 10 1 c ;Nachynka z Hrybiv; (Mush -room Filling) 1 c Stock 1 c Light Cream; OR 1 c Half And Half 1 tb Cornstarch; (Optional) Salt And Pepper Heat the stock in a saucepan and add the mushroom mixture, bringing the mixture to a boil. Add the cream and heat through. Season to taste. NOTE: For a thicker gravy, add the cornstarch to a little of the cream and then add to the hot gravy. Use this gravy with cabbage rolls and roasts. It is also very good over toast points. MMMMM