MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Milk Soup (Soviet-era) Categories: Main dish, Russian, Pasta, Sean Dennis Yield: 2 Servings 1 c Uncooked pasta (250 ml) 2 c Water (500 ml) 2 c Milk (500 ml) 1 ts Salt (5 ml) 2 tb Butter (30 ml) 2 tb Sugar (30 ml) Boil water. Add salt to water. When water is boiling, add pasta. Boil until pasta almost ready (discard pasta water if you want soup less salty; I do not). Pour milk to pasta mix. Mix in sugar and butter. Lower temperature to low and let simmer for few minutes until pasta ready. Serve hot with side of buterbrod. Recipe by Boris of "Life of Boris" on YouTube. More info on buterbrod: From: Transcribed to MealMaster format by Sean Dennis (1:18/200@Fidonet; 616:618/10@Micronet) on 23 April 2024. MMMMM