MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Russian Salad Dressing #2 Categories: Sauces, Citrus, Vegetables Yield: 2 Cups 1/2 c White sugar 3 tb Water 1 1/2 ts Celery seed 1/2 ts Salt 1/2 ts Paprika 2 1/2 tb Fresh lemon juice 1 tb Worcestershire sauce 1 tb White vinegar 1 c Oil 1/2 c Ketchup (I love using the - spicy kind) 1/4 c Onion; grated Cook the sugar and water until it spins a thread then let it cool. Next, Combine remaining ingredients and add the sugar water and beat thoroughly. Next, chill ingredients. Makes about 2 cups, this makes great BBQ sauce as well! From the kitchen of Joyce & Rusty DeVoid RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM