MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Svitanak Cutlet Categories: Russian, Chicken, Cheese, Eggs Yield: 4 Servings 350 g Chicken fillet 80 g Cheese 1 tb Mayonnaise 4 cl Garlic 1 Egg 80 g Wheat bread for crumbs 2 tb Butter Remove tendons and pellicles from the fillet. Lay the stuffing on the big part of chicken fillet and cover it with the small part of fillet. Then shape in a roll, dip in egg, dredge in white bread crumbs twice, brown and braise until done in oven. Prepare the stuffing as follows: shred the cheese, mince garlic, mix everything and season with mayonnaise. Source: Belarusian cuisine. Miensk, 1994. Translation into English. A.Weise, V.Cichanovic, 1994. Bielaruskaja Palicka: MMMMM