MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03 Title: Potatas Bravas (Potatoes with Paprika Sauce) Categories: Appetizers, Spanish, Rrobin Yield: 4 servings MMMMM-----------------------JUDI M. PHELPS---------------------------- 3/4 c Olive oil + 3 T Olive oil 1 lg Onion; chopped 1 lg Tomato; chopped 2 lg Garlic cloves; chopped 2 T Paprika 2 T All-purpose flour 1 c Chicken stock 1 1/2 lb Russet potatoes; peeled, cut -into 1-in cubes Heat 3 tablespoons oil in heavy medium skillet over medium-low heat. Add onion, tomato, garlic, and paprika and cook 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add flour and cook 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Gradually add stock and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer until mixture is reduced to 2 cups, about 8 minutes. Transfer mixture to blender and puree until smooth. Season with salt and pepper. (Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover and chill. Before serving, bring sauce to simmer, thinning with additional stock if necessary) Heat remaining 3/4 cup oil in heavy large skillet over medium heat. Add potatoes and cook until golden brown and cooked through, stirring occasionally about 20 minutes. Transfer potatoes to paper towels and drain. Divide potatoes among plates. Bring sauce to simmer. Spoon over potatoes. Source: La Ardosa Restaurant, Madrid, Spain. MMMMM