MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Tortilla De Patatas Categories: Spanish, Eggs Yield: 4 Servings 10 Rather large potatoes 1 lg Onion 3 ts Salt 6 Eggs 2 dl Corn oil for frying Peel and very thinly slice potatoes and onion. Mix it in a large bowl. Add salt and blend well. Heat the oil in a frying pan - it should be rather hot and bubble quite well when you try it with a piece of potato. Put half of the potato-onion mixture in the frying pan and let fry on high heat. Gently stir so that all potato slices are golden brown and tender. This batch makes 2 tortillas. You need 3 eggs for each tortilla, that is 6 eggs for this batch. Beat 3 eggs well in a deep plate. Pick potatoes and onions up with a perforated ladle so that most of the oil stays in the frying pan. When the plate is filled, gently press the potato mixture down so that it's more or less covered with egg, but don't blend it. Set aside while you repeat the procedure with the next 3 eggs in another deep plate. When you've come this far, you should still have half the potato-onion mixture left, and two deep plates filled with potatoes, onions, and eggs. Take a somewhat smaller frying pan, about 20 cm in diameter, and pour the contents of one deep plate in the frying pan on rather high heat. IMPORTANT - Grease it with just A LITTLE oil - if you take too much, it will run out from the pan and burn your hands off when you turn the tortilla over onto a plate to fry the other side. Gently shake the pan now and then and loosen the edges, it mustn't get stuck to the bottom. Fry until set and a little colored. Then put a plate over the pan as a lid and turn the tortilla up onto the plate. Let it gently slide down in the pan with the un-fried side down and fry until set. You repeat this procedure with the other deep plate and then start over with the remaining potato-onion mixture - or, if you prefer that, fix all 4 deep plates from the beginning and get rid of it at once! Serve this hot with bread and a salad, or serve it cold - it tastes just as good! It's practical for picnics and outings because it's so flat and doesn't break easily if you pack it well. It keeps without cooling for a rather long time, but if you have a cooling bag or something it's best, of course. Bella From: Isabel Brattkull MMMMM