* Exported from MasterCook * Gefilte Fish Recipe By : Serving Size : 12 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Fish Appetizers Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 2 lb Ea. whitefish & pike 1/2 lb Summer carp 4 md Shallots -- slice 3 6 lg Shallots -- slice 4 2 Celery ribs -- sliced 4 md Carrots -- peel, slice 1 md Parsnip -- peel, slice 3 lg Sprigs parsley 1/4 ts Thyme & dill 4 2" slices lemon zest 1 c Kosher dry white wine 7 c Water -- approximate 1/2 ts Nutmeg 1/2 ts Ginger 1/2 ts White pepper 1/8 ts Cayenne pepper 2 lg Parsley sprigs -- florests from 4 lg Eggs -- 1 yolk & 4 whites 1/4 c Fresh seltzer -- cold 3 tb Matzo meal -- or more Have fishmonger skin, bone and fillet fish, reserving bones and heads for broth in which fish will be simmered. For best results, the total net weight should be about 2 1/4 lb. Rinse bones and heads. Put into wide enamel-lined heavy Dutch oven. Add 3 sliced onions, 4 sliced shallots, celery, carrots, parsnip, parsley, herbs and lemon zest. Add wine and water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmering. Cover and cool for 1 hour. Using fine sieve, strain into large bowl. Pick out some carrot slices and set aside. Then press out juices from solids. Discard solids. Pour broth back into pot and set aside. Cut remaining onion into 1" pieces and shallots in half. Place in food processor. Rinse fish, and check for any remaining bones. Cut fish in 2" pieces & add to processor with spices, parsley and 1/2 the salt. Process 30 seconds. Add 1 whole egg and 1 white. Let stand while whipping remaining whites until firm peaks form. Set aside. With processor running, pour seltzer into machine. Process 15 seconds. Scrape mixture into large bowl. Sprinkle with 3 tb matzo meal and blend. Fold in beaten egg whites. Cover and chill in freezer for 15 minutes. Bring broth to boil. Add remaining 1/2 ts salt. Using moistened hands and moistened spoon, shape chilled mixture into 12 ovals, lowering them into the hot broth as they're formed. (If mixture doesn't hold together sufficiently after chilling, add more matzo meal.) Reduce heat to steady slo-boil. Cover and cook 45 minutes, spooning ovals with broth after they've cooked for 10 minutes. Each piece will puff up and rise to top. Partially uncover and cool in pot for 30 minutes. Add reserved carrots to broth. Cover and regrigerate overnight; or carefully transfer each piece to container(s), pouring stock over all. Tightly cover and refrigerate. Broth will thicken when chilled. If you prefer jelled broth, add 1 package of pareve unflavored gelatin to boiling stock and dissolve granules before refrigerating. Frances Prince's New Jewish Cuisine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -