MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Myra's Jewish Chopped Liver Categories: Poultry, Appetizers, Jewish Yield: 3 Servings 1 lb Chicken livers 1/2 c Schmaltz or Nyafat 1 lg Onion; coarsely chopped 3 Eggs; hard boiled and - peeled 2 tb Brandy 1/2 ts Kosher salt Pepper; to taste In broiler pan, spread livers and broil until very well done (no pinkness remaining). In skillet, melt schmaltz and saute onion until very brown. Add livers and cook an additional few minutes, allowing the liver to absorb the schmaltz-onion flavor. In food processor or blender, chop eggs, add the liver-onion mixture and remaining ingredients. Pulse until everything is ground and mixed together. Put in bowl or crock and refrigerate. Note: Schmaltz is rendered chicken fat with onion, and is available in the kosher section of your market. Nyafat is a cholesterol-free, schmaltz-flavored vegetable shortening, also available in the kosher section. MMMMM