MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Multi-Bean Salad Categories: Bean, Salads Yield: 8 Servings MMMMM--------------------------MARINADE------------------------------- 1/2 c Vinegar; (cider or wine) 3/4 c Mixed olive and safflower -oil 1/2 ts Salt; up to 1 ts Lots of fresh black pepper A few dashes of marjoram or -oregano 1/2 ts Basil 3 cl Garlic; crushed 1 tb Dry red wine 1/2 lg Lemon; rind and juice MMMMM----------------------------BASE--------------------------------- 5 c Cooked beans 1/2 c Scallions; chopped 1/2 c Red onion; finely minced Fresh parsley; chopped MMMMM----------------------GARNISH OPTIONS--------------------------- Cheese; grated Tomatoes Olives Eggs Make this one whole day ahead of time. This recipe calls for 5 cups of cooked beans. Any kind of beans will do, but it's extra nice if you use several different kinds and one of those is steamed whole green beans. If you are starting from scratch with dry beans, begin soaking them the night before. Don't mix the different kinds of beans until after they are cooked, because cooking times vary. You don't want them too crunchy or too mushy. Cook them in plenty of water (except for the green beans, which should be cooked in as little water as possible) and test them periodically. How to gauge amounts: You can safely expect the amounts of dry beans to double after they're soaked and cooked. You can marinate hot beans and cool, then chill, them in marinade. They'll really absorb the flavors this way. Combine all of the marinade ingredients. Pour marinade over the base ingredients and gently mix. Chill. Optionally garnish as desired. Recipe by Moosewood Cookbook MMMMM