MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Basil Bean Salad Categories: Salads, Italian, Vegetable, Low-cal Yield: 4 servings 10 oz Pkg frozen green beans 1/2 c Onions; very thinly sliced 2 tb Red wine vinegar 1 tb Olive oil; +1 ts 3 tb Water 1/8 ts Garlic powder 1 ts Dried basil 1 tb Parmesan cheese; grated 1/8 ts Pepper Salt to taste Cook beans according to directions, cooking until just tender-crisp. Drain. Combine beans and onions in a large bowl. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over beans. toss until well blended. Chill several hours or overnight, stirring occasionally. **More Lean and Luscious** Info per serving: 78 calories 2 g protein 5 g fat 1 mg cholesterol Collected from God Only Knows Where. From: Michael Loo Date: 05-26-01 MMMMM