---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.04 Title: BBQ Beans Categories: Mcdougall, Main dish, Vegetarian Servings: 6 1 lg Onion; chopped 1 lg Pepper; chopped 1 cl Garlic; crushed 1 1/2 ts Dry mustard 1 1/2 ts Chili powder 1/2 ts Cumin 1/2 ts Tumeric 1 c Tomato sauce 1 1/2 tb Molasses 1/2 ts Apple cider vinegar 1 ds Tabasco sauce 4 c Beans; cooked Saute onion, pepper and garlic in 1/4 c water for 5 minutes. Add mustard, chili, cumin, tumeric and stir well to mix. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Cook over low heat until heated through, about 15 minutes. HELPFUL HINT: This is great on a bun like sloppy-joe mix, with ketchup and mustard. Good take-along for picnics. Use either hot or cold. Also good over whole grains or as a sandwich spread. Recipe by The Mcdougall Plan Posted by: KEVWIL@delphi.com Date: 10 May 93 01:47:08 EDT -----