MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03 Title: Borracho Beans Categories: Side dishes Yield: 8 Servings 2 c Pinto beans -- dried 1 ea Garlic -- crushed 1 ea Onion -- chopped 2 tb Bacon drippings 2 ea Tomatoes or 16 oz can dra 2 ea Peppers -- jalapeno 1 ea Beer Soak beans in water overnight. Drain and cover with fresh water. Add 2 tsp salt, garlic and pork. Simmer 2 1/2 hours or until beans are soft. Drain beans and reserve liquid. Heat bacon drippings and saute the onions, peppers and tomatoes until soft. Stir the mixture into beans and simmer 5 minutes. Just before serving, pour beer and as much reserved liquid as desired into beans. Serve hot. Beans can be mashed or "processed" for refrieds. Recipe By : MMMMM