---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Quick, Southern Style Red Beans and Rice Categories: Vegetables, Beef, Rice/grains, Beans Yield: 6 servings 6 ea Slices bacon 2 ea Onions 1 ea Garlic clove 1 c Beef broth 1 c Rice, raw 1 ts Thyme 1 ts Salt 1 ea Bell pepper 2 c Kidney beans ut bacon into 1 inch pieces. Cut Onions into 1/2 inch wedges. ince Garlic Clove. Dice bell Pepper. Drain Beans. ook bacon in 10 inch skillet over medium heat until browned but not risp, about 5 minutes. Remove bacon from skillet; drain off all but tablespoons drippings. Add Onion and Garlic to skillet; cook until nion is tender but not brown, about 5 minutes. Add enough Water to eef broth to make 2 1/2 cups. Add to skillet and bring to a bOil. tir in rice, bacon, thyme and Salt. Cover tightly and simmer 15 inutes. Add Green Pepper, cover and continue cooking 5 minutes. emove from heat. Stir in Beans. Let stand covered until all liquid s absorbed, about 5 minutes. -----