---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Refried Beans Categories: Mexican, Beans Yield: 8 servings 1 lb Dried pinto beans 1 tb Salt 3 cl Garlic 1 tb Sugar 1/2 c Bacon drippings; +1/4 c, divided Pick over beans to remove rocks and bad beans. Wash and put in large pot with sugar. Add enough cold water to cover and heat to boiling over and simmer for 3 hours or until beans are soft, adding additionl water when necessary during cooking. Add 1/2 cup bacon drippings, salt, and garlic. Cook at least 1 hour more, stirring occasionally. Can be cooked for more than 4 hours or overnight if there is enough water. Heat 1/4 cup bacon drippings or lard in a large skillet and add beans. Stir frequently, until beans are reheated. Mash with a fork or potato masher. Brown beans until dry and a little crusty, stirring requently. Add salt, if needed, to taste. Note 1: Begin with water at least twice as deep as beans. When beans have finished swelling, add liquid as needed to keep level a ittle above the top of the beans. Note 2: Bacon drippings or lard give the best flavor, but for those concerned with cholesterol levels, vegetable oil may be substituted. Note 3: If desired, one or more of the following may be added to beans during frying. Cheese; grated, to taste Chilis; chopped Onion; diced Bacon; crisp, crumbled Note 4: If beans become too thick, thin with a little milk. -----