MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Green Spinach Lentils Categories: Testing, Indian, Side dish, Slow cooker Yield: 8 Cups 3 c Whole green lentils -(using split yellow) 1 md Onion, chopped 1 md Tomato, diced 1 ts Grated ginger 2 tb Clove garlic, grated 3 ea Serrano pepper, chopped 1 tb Cumin seeds 1 tb Salt 1/2 ts Garam masala 1 ts Tumeric powder 1 ts Red chile powder 12 c Water 4 c Spinach, chopped, -firmly packed Put lentils, onion, tomato, ginger, garlic, green chiles, cumin, salt, garam masala, turmeric, red chile powder and water in slow cooker. Cook on high for 6 hours. Add spinach and cook for 30 more minutes. Serve over basmatic or brown rice. Testing - on top of stove. Will experiment next in slow cooker. Indian Slow Cooker. MMMMM