---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03 Title: FRIED APPLES Categories: Fruits, Main dish Yield: 6 servings 6 ea Lg Unpared, Cored, Red Apple 3 tb Butter 1/2 c Cooking Wine 1/2 c Water 1 c Sugar 1 tb Lemon Juice 1 ea 6" Cinnamon Stick Saute apples in butter for 6-8 minutes in non-stick skillet. Boil wine, sugar, cinnamon stick, and lemon juice for 5 minutes. Pour over apples. Cook, uncovered, until apples are tender. Pour into serving dish. Serve warm or cold. NOTE: For a simple supper serve with browned sausage patties or links. For an elegant touch serve with a Pork Roast. -----