---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: CURRIED FRUIT COMPOTE Categories: Spices Yield: 6 servings 3 lb Peaches, peeled and sliced 2 lb Apricots, peeled and halved 1 Fresh pineapple, peeled and -cut into chunks (about 5 -pounds) 1 Cantaloupe, cut into chunks -or balls (about 4 pounds) 1/2 c Thinly sliced lime (about 1 -small) 4 c Water 3 c Sugar 1/4 c Lemon juice 3 tb Curry powder Treat peaches and apricots to prevent darkening while preparing other ingredients. Combine water, sugar, lemon juice and curry powder. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and add peaches, apricots, pineapple and cantaloupe. Simmer just until fruit is hot through. Pack hot fruit into hot jars, adding 1 lime slice to each jar when filling. Leave 1/2 inch head space. Pour hot syrup over fruit, leaving 1/2 inch head space. Remove air bubbles. Adjust caps. Process 30 minutes in boiling water bath. Yield: about 4 quarts. From: Ball Blue Book Shared By: Pat Stockett -----