MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Broiled Grapefruit Categories: Five, Citrus Yield: 2 Servings 1 (to 2) grapefruit; red or - yellow, halved (through - the middle, not the stem - (or blossom) end of the - grapefruit) 1 tb Brown sugar; grapefruit half To make it easier for the grapefruit halves to sit in the pan, you may want to cut 1/4" off the bottom of each half, so they don't wobble. To make it easier to remove the grapefruit segments with a spoon once the grapefruit is cooked, use a sharp paring knife to cut around the edges of the fruit, where the fruit meets the rind. Then gently cut inside the grapefruit, along the edges of the segments. Don't cut all the way through the grapefruit, just to the rind if you can. Line a broiling or roasting pan with foil or parchment paper (foil works better, doesn't burn). Place the grapefruit halves, cut side up in the pan. Spread brown sugar over the top of the exposed fruit (not the rind), about 2 to 3 teaspoons of brown sugar per half (more or less to taste). Yellow grapefruit tends to be more sour than ruby red grapefruit, so you may want to use more sugar for yellow than for red grapefruit. Place under a broiler for 3 to 5 minutes, until the brown sugar is bubbly and beginning to brown and caramelize. Remove from oven. Let cool for a minute. Eat while still warm. UDD Notes: I have a Norpro Squirtless Grapefruit Knife that I got at the Sojourn House (Battered Women's Shelter) Upscale Resale Shop for $5 (not a very upscale price) and worth every farthing. It makes separating the fruit from the rind and the segments from one another a breeze. I *ALWAYS* get Ruby Red (pink) grapefruit for broiling. They taste the same as "regular" grapefruit. But they're much more attractive on the plate. A little cinnamon mixed with the brown sugar can do some interesting things on your palate. From: Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM