* Exported from MasterCook * Dilly Beans (Pickle) Recipe By : Key Gourmet CD Rom Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Pickles & Relishes Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 2 pounds green beans -- trimmed 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 4 cloves garlic 4 heads dill 2 1/2 cups water 2 1/2 cups vinegar 1/4 cup salt Pack beans lengthwise into 4 hot pint jars leaving 1/4 inch head space. To each jar add: 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1 head dill and 1 clove garlic. Combine remaining ingredients and boil. Pour boiling hot over beans leaving 1 /4 inch head space. Adjust caps and process 10 minutes in water-bath canner. Note: Let beans stand at least 2 weeks to allow flavor to develop. busted by sooz - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -