---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Summer Vegetable Pickles Categories: New, Text, Import Yield: 4 servings 6 c white wine vinegar 4 c water 3 TB sea salt 15 black peppercorns 4 cloves garlic, -- peeled 1 TB fennel seeds 1/2 c sugar 3 bulbs fennel, cut into : -1/2-inch wedges 3 sm zucchini, cut into 5-inch by 1/2 -inch batons 1 sm cauliflower, -- cut into : florets 10 sm red onions with tops, -- : halved 1/2 c extra virgin olive oil 1/2 c balsamic vinegar In a non-aluminum saucepan, stir together the vinegar, water, salt, peppercorns, garlic, fennel seeds and sugar and bring to a boil. Cook 2 minutes and add fennel. Cook fennel until just tender, about 4 minutes, and remove with spider to a cool plate. Add zucchini and cook until just tender, about 1 minute, and remove to a separate plate. Add cauliflower and cook until tender, about 3 minutes, and remove to a cool plate. Add red onions and cook until tender, about 2 minutes, and remove to a cool plate. Return cooking liquid to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and add oil and vinegar. Divide vegetables among 3 jars (1 or 2 quart jars work best, but any size will do) and cover them with the cooking liquid. If there is not enough liquid, add a little white wine vinegar to cover. Allow jars to cool, cover with lids and refrigerate. Pickles will keep up to a month in the refrigerator. Recipe By :MOLTO MARIO SHOW #MB5685 Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 23:09:23 -0500 -----