MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03 Title: Refrigerator Pickles Categories: Pickles Yield: 1 servings 1 ga Cucumbers & onions (sliced) 4 c White sugar 1/3 c Pickling salt 4 c White vinegar 1 1/2 ts Tumeric 1 1/2 ts Mustard seed 1 1/2 ts Celery seed 1 Grn.or red peppers (Sliced) Thinly slice the cucumbers and onions into a gallon jar. Heat the other ingredients in a large pot. Pour over the vegetables. Store covered in the refrigerator. New vegetables may be added at any time. Keeps for 4 months. Posted by Helen Peagram in Intercook MMMMM