---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: SWEET FIG PICKLES Categories: Pickles Yield: 1 servings 4 qt Firm, ripe figs (about 30) 5 c Sugar; divided 2 qt Water 2 Sticks cinnamon 1 tb Whole allspice 1 tb Whole cloves 3 c Vinegar Peel figs. (If unpeeled are preferred, pour boiling water over figs and let stand until cool; drain.) Add 3 cups sugar to water and cook until sugar dissolves. Add figs and cook slowly for 30 minutes. Add 2 cups sugar and vinegar. Tie spices in a cheesecloth bag; add to figs. Cook gently until figs are clear. Cover and let stand 12-24 hours in a cool place. Remove spice bag. Bring to simmer; pack hot into hot jars, leaving 1/4" head space. Remove air bubbles. Adjust caps. Process pints and wuarts 15 minutes in boiling water bath. Yield: about 8 pints Posted by DELLA MASIA, Prodigy ID# TXBG93A. -----