---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Basmati Rice Pilaf Categories: Dec., Misc. Yield: 1 servings 1/4 Stick no lard/non-dairy Margarine 1 ts Black pepper 1/4 ts Asafoetida spice (also Called Hing) Try an indian food market or Health store 3 c Washed and drained basmati Rice 5 1/2 c Water 2 Cinnamon sticks 1 c Peas 1 c Raisins 6 Cardamom pods 2 tb Salt Place the margarine in a pot over med heat. When melted, add the pepper and asafoetida. Add the rice and fry for several minutes, turning the mixture constantly. In a separate pot, boil the water. Add the cinnamon, peas, raisins, cardamon pods and salt. When the water boils, add the rice. Boil for 2 minutes, then cover and turn on low heat for 5-8 minutes. Uncover and let stand for 3 minutes. Fluff and serve. Date: 12/9/94 WVUD44B Lorraine Robinson From the recipe files of Sue Smith, TXFT40A@prodigy.com, S.Smith34. 1.80 -----