4 Cups Water 1/4# Butter 1 Cup Polenta 2 tsp ground white pepper 1 tbsp Minced Fresh Parsley 1 Tsp Fresh Thyme 1/2 Cup Green Onions, Minced Shiitake Mushrooms and 1/2 Cup Mushrooms, Minced Sun-Dried Tomatoes for Garnish 1/4# Fontina Cheese, Sliced Thin 1/2 Cup Dry White Wine Pinch of Salt & Pepper Makes: 6 to 8 servings. Bring water, salt, pepper, and thyme to a boil in large saucepan. Slowly beat polenta with a whisk to avoid lumps. Reduce heat to low and stir to prevent sticking. Cook slowly for 10 minutes. In a separate pan, saute mushrooms and green onions in 2 tbsp of butter until cooked through and just beginning to brown. Season with a little salt and pepper, add wine and reduce until most of the wine cooks away. Add to polenta mixture with remaining butter and parsley. Off heat, spread polenta mixture on buttered cake pan or cookie sheet so that it is approx. 1/2" thick. Cool, cover with plastic and refrigerate up to a day in advance. To complete the dish, cut polenta into diamonds or other interesting shapes. Grill over mesquite until surface is slightly toasted. Turn, place a slice of Fontina cheese on top and allow to just melt. Serve warm, garnished with grilled shiitake mushrooms and slivers of sun-dried tomatoes. Serve with Ridge-Lytton Springs Zinfandel.