---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03 Title: Sweet Vanilla Polenta Categories: Miamiherald, Grains, Desserts, Vegetarian, Ovolacto Yield: 8 Servings 4 c Skim milk 1 pn Salt 1 Vanilla bean; split - lengthwise -OR- 1 ts Pure vanilla extract 1 c Finely ground cornmeal 1/2 c Sugar 1/2 c Mascarpone cheese or - strawberry or apricot - preserves (optional) Combine the milk, salt, and vanilla bean halves in a heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to a simmer. Slowly add the cornmeal, stirring constantly, and cook, continuing to stir for 5 to 7 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the sugar and the vanilla extract(if using) and allow polenta to sit, covered, for 5 minutes. Remove the vanilla beans halves if necessary. Divide the polenta between 8 dessert dishes. If desired, spoon Mascarpone cheese or preserves in the center of each serving. Per serving: 175 cal; 5 g pro, 38 g carbs, 1 g fat (3%) Recipe by Grains, Rice and Beans by Kevin Graham Recipe FROM: (Artisian) Miami Herald, 8/17/95 Format: Lisa Crawford, 8/4/96 -----