---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Potato Salad Categories: Salads Yield: 2 servings 1 2/3 c Cooked diced potatoes -(peeled) 3 tb Chopped celery 1 tb Chopped onion 2 tb Salad dressing - mayonnaise-type 1/2 ts Prepared mustard 1/8 ts Salt 1 ds Pepper 2 servings of about 3/4 cup each 160 calories per serving 1. Mix potatoes, celery and onion. 2. Mix salad dressing, mustard, salt, and pepper. Stir lightly into potato mixture. 3. Chill. * Thrifty Meals for Two: Making Food Dollars Count * USDA Home and Garden Bulletin Number 244 * Meal-Master format courtesy of Karen Mintzias -----