* Exported from MasterCook * Hot Potato and Sausage Salad Recipe By : Serving Size : 6 Preparation Time :0:50 Categories : Salads Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 5 Medium potatoes 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1 Pound kielbasa -- sliced 1/4" thick 1 Medium onion -- finely chopped 1 Medium green pepper -- seeded and chopped 1 Clove garlic -- minced 1/3 Cup red wine vinegar 1/3 Cup beef broth 1 Teaspoon salt 1/8 Teaspoon seasoned pepper chopped parsley for garnish 1. Cook potatoes (unpeeled) in boiling salted water to cover until tender (25 t o 35 minutes). Drain; as soon as they are cool enough to handle, slip off skins . Cut potatoes into 1/2-inch thick, bite-sized pieces. Place in a deep warm bow l. 2. In a large frying pan, heat oil and cook sausage slices, stirring frequently until lightly browned; remove with a slotted spoon and add to potatoes. To fat remaining in pan add onion and green pepper, stirring over medium heat for abo ut 2 minutes. Mix in garlic, vinegar, broth, salt, and pepper. Cook until mixtu re boils, stirring to loosen sausage drippings. Boil 1 minute. 3. Pour green pepper mixture over potatoes and mix lightly. Sprinkle with parsl ey. Serve hot. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES : Here is a potato salad that is really a full meal in one bowl. Serve th e hot salad with beer and your favorite rye bread. If you buy Polish sausage th at is not precooked, cover the sausage with boiling water and simmer gently 15 minutes before slicing and browning.