MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: YUKON GOLD POTATO SALAD Categories: Potatoes, Salads Yield: 6 Servings MMMMM---------------------------SALAD-------------------------------- 2 Sprigs rosemary 2 lb Yukon Gold Potatoes Salt and pepper to taste 3/4 c Olive oil 3/4 lb Italian provolone cheese 2 md Zucchini 5 Roma (plum) tomatoes 1 Yellow bell pepper 1 Green bell pepper 1 bn Parsley, finely chopped 1 tb Celery seed MMMMM------------------------VINAIGRETTE----------------------------- 1/3 c White wine vinegar 1 tb Dijon mustard 1 ts Salt 1 ts Pepper 3/4 c Olive oil 1. Strip rosemary leaves and chop finely. Slice potatoes in wedges and toss with rosemary, salt, pepper and olive oil. Bake in preheated oven at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Potatoes should be firm for tossing. 2. To prepare the vinaigrette: In a blender combine vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper. Add olive oil in slow stream until emulsified. Toss roasted potatoes in vinaigrette. 3. Dice provolone into bite-sized chunks. Wash and dice zucchini, tomatoes and peppers into pieces half the size of cheese. Finely chop parsley. 4. Toss cheese, vegetables, parsley and celery seed with potatoes until thoroughly combined. Serve in a large bowl or platter. Source: Seattle Times, February 5, 1995 MMMMM