MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Paul Revere Potato Salad Categories: Potatoes, Vegetables, Herbs, Sauces Yield: 12 Servings 4 lb Small red potatoes; in 1" - pieces 2 Bay leaves 3 cl Garlic; peeled 1 bn Scallions; chopped 2 Ribs celery; chopped 1/4 c Oil 3 tb Tarragon vinegar 1 tb Whole-grain mustard Salt & pepper 1 c Mayonnaise 1/2 c Chopped parsley Bring potatoes, bay leaves, garlic with cold, salted water to cover to a boil in a Dutch oven. Simmer until potatoes are tender, about 12 minutes. Drain. Discard bay leaves and garlic. Combine scallions, celery, vegetable oil, vinegar and mustard in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Add potatoes. Stir in mayonnaise and parsley and serve at room temperature or slightly chilled. RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM