MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Paul's Kick-Butt Potato Salad Categories: Salad, Potato Yield: 16 Servings 1 Onion 1 cn Olives 6 lg Dill pickles 1 Dozen eggs 1 lb Bacon 16 Small-medium potatoes; (5 -quarts), up to 19 1 c Mayonnaise 1/2 c Mustard 2 tb Vinegar Dice onion, chop olives and pickles. Boil eggs a good 15 minutes. Boil potatoes 20 minutes or until you can stab them through with a fork and they're soft. Fry bacon until good and crisp. In a large bowl combine onions, olives, pickles, chopped eggs, sliced potatoes, and crumbled bacon. In small bowl mix mayonnaise, mustard, and vinegar. Stir well. Mix all together. Place in a serving bowl and refrigerate. Recipe by Paul Bushnell MMMMM