* Exported from MasterCook * POTATO SALAD WITH POMEGRANATE Recipe By : Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Salads Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- Stephen Ceideburg 500 g New potatoes 250 ml Plain yogurt 2 Coriander leaves, finely -chopped Salt and pepper to taste Boil 500 g new potatoes, peel and dice. In a large bowl mix together 250 mL plain yogurt (use a thick low-fat version to reduce kilojoules), 2 finely chopped fresh coriander leaves and salt and pepper to taste. Add potatoes and fold dressing gently through. Spoon into a serving dish and scatter the seeds of 1 pomegranate over the top. Posted by Stephen Ceideburg From an article by Meryl Constance in The Sydney Morning Herald, 5/11/93. Courtesy Mark Herron. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -