MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Kristina's Potato Salad Categories: Potato, Salads Yield: 8 Servings MMMMM---------------------------SALAD-------------------------------- 6 md Potatoes 2 Eggs; hard-cooked, chopped 2 md Tomatoes; diced 1 Red or green pepper; chopped 2 Scallions; minced 1 Cucumber; chopped Fresh parsley; chopped Alfalfa sprouts 1/2 c Cashews; toasted 1/4 c Mixed sunflower and sesame -seeds; toasted MMMMM--------------------------OPTIONAL------------------------------- Carrots; coarsely grated Celery; chopped Radishes Other raw fresh vegetables; -peas are great, if -available MMMMM--------------------------DRESSING------------------------------- 3/4 c Mayonnaise; up to 1 c 1 ts Salt; up to 2 ts Fresh black pepper 1 ds Tamari 1/2 c Cider vinegar 1/2 ts Dry mustard 1/2 ts Tarragon 1 ts Prepared horseradish MMMMM------------------------PRESENTATION----------------------------- Fresh spinach Olives Lemon slices Scrub potatoes and boil them in their skins until they're tender, but not mushy. You might want to save the water you boil them in for soup stock. Drain and cool. Dice the potatoes, skins and all. Combine the salad and optional ingredients. Mix in the dressing ingredients. Chill well. Serve on fresh spinach with olives and lemon slices. Recipe by Moosewood Cookbook MMMMM