* Exported from MasterCook * Potato Salad Recipe Recipe By : Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Salads Appetizers Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 10 Med Potatoes -- diced & cooked 1/2 Green bell pepper -- diced 2 Celery stalks -- diced 3 Scallions -- chopped 1/2 C Olive oil 1 Tsp Hungarian paprika 1 Tsp Basil 1 Tsp Salt 1 tsp Oregano 1 tsp Garlic powder 1 dash Red pepper Cool potatoes completely in the fridge or better leave to stand overnight. Mix in the diced vegetables. Whisk together the oil with the spices & herbs. Ensure it is well blended. Pour over potatoes & toss gently. Refrigerate till ready to be served. >From: carl.berger@bbs.synapse.net (Carl Berger) Newsgroups: rec.food.cooking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES : Sent to MC mailing list by Reggie Dwork reggie@netcom.com