MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Warm Salad Of Pancetta, Sweet Potatoes & Sprouts Categories: Pork, Potatoes, Vegetables, Herbs, Fruits Yield: 4 servings 200 g Smoked pancetta 3 Sweet potatoes; peeled Handful brussels sprouts Mixed peppers; diced Grapes; halved Salt & pepper Fresh parsley Firstly peel the sweet potatoes and place whole in a saucepan of cold water. Then top and tail the sprouts and also add them to the water. Bring to the boil, then cover and simmer until tender. In the meantime add 1 ts of olive oil to a hot frying pan and add the pancetta and diced peppers and cook until the pancetta is crisp and golden and the peppers are soft. When the sweet potato has cooled down, dice and add them to pan along with the tender sprouts and slightly colour until the potatoes are slightly golden. Transfer everything into a clean bowl, mix and season to taste. Transfer to a warm plate or bowl and scatter on the halved grapes and fresh parsley. RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM