MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03 Title: Southwest Fried Rice with Ancho Chiles Categories: Mexican, Side dish, Jaw Yield: 4 Servings 4 Eggs 1 Red bell pepper 1 Zucchini 2 Ears white corn 4 Whole green onions 1 c Pecan halves 4 c Cold cooked white rice 3 T Cooking oil 1/2 c Cilantro MMMMM-------------------------SEASONING------------------------------ 3 Cloves garlic, finely minced MMMMM---------------------------SAUCE-------------------------------- 2 Dried ancho chiles 1/3 c Tomato sauce 1/4 c Rice wine or sherry 3 T Oyster sauce 2 T Dark sesame oil 1 T Brown sugar 1 T White wine vinegar 2 t SW style or asian chile Sauce Advance preparation: Preheat the oven to 325. In a small bowl, beat the eggs with a fork and refrigerate. Discard the seeds and stem from the bell pepper, and then cut the pepper into 1/4 inch cubes. Discard the stem ends from the zucchini, and then cut the zucchini on a sharp diagonal into 1/4 inch thick slices. Overlap the zucchini slices and cut into 1/4 inch matchstick pieces, place the pieces together and cut into 1/4 inch cubes. Discard the corn husks and cut the kernels off the cob. Cut the green onions on a sharp diagonal into 1/4 inch long pieces. In a small bowl, combine all the vegetables and refrigerate. Toast the pecans in the preheated oven for 15 minutes, and then set aside. Place the cold cooked rick in a plastic bag and squeeze the bag with fingers to separate the rice into individual grains. Divide the cooking oil, putting 1 T in one small container and 2 T in another. Set aside the cilantro. In a small container; set aside the garlic. Place the ancho chiles in a small bowl and cover the chiles with boiling water. When the chiles soften, mince the chiles finely. In a small bowl, combine the minced chiles with the remaining sauce ingredients. Final cooking steps: Chop the fresh cilantro and set aside. Place a wok over the highest heat. When the wok becomes very hot, add 1 T of the oil to the center. Roll the oil around the wok and when the oil gives off just a wisp of smoke, add the eggs. Stir and toss the eggs until they are softly scrambled, then slide them onto a plate. Immediately return the wok to the highest heat. Add the remaining cooking oil and the garlic. Stir-fry the garlic, and soon as it turns white, about 5 seconds, add the vegetables. Stir and toss the vegetables until the peppers brighten, about 1 minute. Stir the sauce. Add the sauce, scrambled eggs, and pecans to the wok. Stir and toss all the ingredients until they are mixed evenly and the rice is thoroughly reheated, about 3 minutes. Stir in the cilantro. Taste and adjust the seasonings. MMMMM